

Hemorrhoids are an embarrassing medical condition caused by various factors. The condition can be minor, requiring just a lifestyle change, or major enough to need surgery. A lot of people are bothered by hemorrhoids, complaining of bleeding and swelling of the anal or rectal region. There are two kinds of hemorrhoids based on their location: external and internal. External hemorrhoids are found near the open base of the anal cavity and are more noticeable than the internal hemorrhoids because they can be seen and felt. A physical assessment will show a lumpy, brown growth of flesh around the anal opening.  A few causes are sudden weight gain or obesity, digestive problems, hereditary reasons, pregnancy, and old age. Internal hemorrhoids are found inside the internal rectal area, caused by blood clotting in varicose veins in the internal rectal area. If they aren't treated, they can expand until the lumps appear out of the anus. The causes are similar to external hemorrhoids. They aren't as obvious, but a few symptoms are bleeding during bowel movements, soreness and itching in the rectal area, feeling of hard or soft lumps outside the anal cavity, and the feeling of unfinished bowel movements.


Depending on the severity of your symptom, a physician will decide proper treatment. There are home therapies, herbal treatments, lifestyle changes, or surgery options. Oftentimes people only need to make changes to their lifestyle to clear up the condition, but sometimes medicines or surgical procedures are required. A doctor may recommend pads, over-the-counter creams, or ointments. The witch hazel and hydrocortisone in these medications alleviate pain and itching but can also have side effects if used too frequently. For surgical procedures, a doctor can remove a blood clot, if there is one, cure persistent or painful hemorrhoids, or remove or staple the hemorrhoid. The last is only necessary if other treatment and surgical options failed or if you have large hemorrhoids. 

Sometimes people don't pay enough attention to notice the condition or just hope it will disappear on its own. Even if it does disappear, it may come back due to lack of treatment. People who have constant bleeding may face the problem of rectal cancer, intestinal inflammation, anal fissures, or polyps, and it is vital to seek medical help promptly.

Looking for the right hemorrhoids treatment is integral to stop progression of the issue. If you worry about symptoms or warning signs, you must dutifully watch for them.  


Hemorrhoids, also called piles, typically occur around the anus or in the lower rectum and are characterized by swollen and inflamed tissues that contain veins. Those inside the rectum are referred to as internal hemorrhoids and they rarely cause any pain. This is due to the lack of sensory nerves within the tissues. The hemorrhoids located on the outside of the anal region are called external hemorrhoids and are usually the ones that present with various symptoms.

Hemorrhoids can be quite uncomfortable. Symptoms include itchiness, swelling, localized discomfort, and bleeding in more severe cases. They occur for a variety of reasons. Most often, they develop as a result of straining during a bowel movement, but they may also be caused by increased pressure on rectal veins during pregnancy, complications related to chronic or prolonged constipation, or prolonged sitting during bowel movements. Other factors that may cause hemorrhoids or aggravate them are lifting heavy objects, liver damage, eating a diet poor in fiber, poor posture, anal intercourse, and being overweight.

Hemorrhoids are very common and may occur at any age. For proper diagnosis, a medical health practitioner will generally perform a visual exam of the rectal area and if any internal hemorrhoids are suspected, a digital rectal exam will be necessary. In more severe cases, more specific testing such as a sigmoidoscopy may be needed.

Once a diagnosis of hemorrhoids has been established, many treatment options are available, depending on the location of the lesions and the degree of severity to which the tissues are affected. In order to reduce swelling and pain, sitting in a warm bath with Epsom salts for 10 minutes at a time will help. In addition, there are many over-the-counter ointments, creams, suppositories, and pads available to help reduce some of the more uncomfortable symptoms. If the hemorrhoids are located internally and are quite severe, some minimally invasive surgical procedures may be recommended. These include rubber band ligation, sclerotherapy, and coagulation techniques.

More importantly, to prevent hemorrhoids from recurring, a lifestyle change is often necessary. Eating a diet high in fiber, drinking lots of water, as well as exercising on a regular basis can help keep hemorrhoids at bay.