HGHHuman Growth Hormone, a common hormone found in pregnant women, is also used as a weight loss choice. Available as an injection or drops, the HGH diet uses a low calorie intake diet to help overweight men and women of all ages shed the pounds quickly. It is estimated that an individual can lose up to 5-6 pounds per week, and sometimes more. As with most diets, HGH works for some, but not so well for others. There is no way to determine if you will or will not be successful on this diet. Due to the fact that HGH is naturally found inside of the body it works well for most people. It is also considered to be relatively safe for use. However, it is important that you take HGH as directed. Additionally you must ensure that you are taking legal HGH, as illicit products could cause more harm than what you want to deal with.
Not only does HGH promote fast and effective weight loss, it also helps give you more energy and boosts your metabolism. It does take a bit of adjustment once you begin taking HGH, however this is a minimal amount of time. During the time you may feel a bit weak or have headaches as your body adjusts to the 1000 calorie per day food intake limit that is used on this diet. If you want to lose weight with HGH it is essential that you understand the possible side effects of the hormone. Those side effects include nerve and joint pain, fatigue, high cholesterol, numbness in the skin and swelling of the body’s tissues. Before starting any HGH diet it is imperative that you consult with your doctor. He can provide you with all of the information necessary to use HGH for weight loss safely.