
You start sneezing, coughing, and eyes watering.  You may sneeze over and over. Your eyes start to swell or watering constantly. You feel miserable, right away you know what is wrong. It is allergies. But, what exactly is an allergy? 

An allergy is a magnified response from the immune system from a foreign substance, typically from food or weather. The immune system's purpose is to protect the body from foreign substances. When one has an allergy, they become sensitive to the foreign substance, to the point of creating a reaction, or an allergic reaction. Allergies are mysterious. They can be developed at any age, and one can out grow their allergies at any time. 


Family history of allergies can put a child at high risk for developing allergies; however, health experts claim that the environment is more of a risk factor than genetics. Allergies are becoming a real problem in today's world, with up to 30% of people suffering. The most common form of an allergy is allergic rhinitis. This is what most people refer to as hay fever, nasal allergies. Up to 10% of all American suffer from an allergic condition called Asthma. Experts reported that in the past two to three decades, the frequency of allergy medication prescribed has quadrupled. 

There is hope, however, because allergies are well controlled with medication. Some people need inhalers to control their symptoms, especially if they have been diagnosed with Asthma. Many medicines that used to be prescription medications are now available over the counter. If you suffer from allergy symptoms, talk to your primary doctor about which medications may be right for you. There are medications and allergy testing that can help relieve your discomfort. It all starts by speaking to a medical professional about your symptoms.